Monday, May 19, 2008

抢救人员在倒塌建筑物发现一名女子,双手扶地支撑身体,救援人员确认她已经死亡,准备转 移到下一个建筑物时,救援队长发现,她生下有一张红色带黄花的被子,抱着一名3个月大的男婴。因为母亲的身体保护,孩子没有受伤,还安祥睡着,随行医生揭 开被子替男婴检查,发现有一部手机塞在里面,医生下意识看了手机屏幕。见到母亲留给孩子的简讯:“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活,一定要记住我爱你。”

For those who find the above too chim to read, this is a translation:
The rescue team found a lady in the debris, hands supporting the body. She was announced dead and when the rescue team was about to transfer her body, they found a 3 months old baby boy wrapped in a red blanket. With the protection of the mother, the baby was still sound asleep. When the doctor uncover the blanket to check out the baby boy, they found a handphone. The doctor sub consciously took a look at the screen and saw the message from the mother to the child.
" Darling/Baby, if you manage to survive, you must remember that I LOVE YOU"