And yes, i decided to wear my lace shirt since i cant wear it to school anymore :(
Had a Primary school gathering and it's really nice catching up with friends that i have lost contact for lie 3345624 years. Thank you shu jun!
Geek is good. Geek is cool. I wanna make this specs. Hehe.
All crazy over Wii(:
Took so many pictures. But decided to post only these few because it will take forever to upload all.
I swear the birthday cake by shujun's father is ultimately nice. I think better than some of the chocolate cake out there. And the cream puffffs, mmmm! I one die hard fan of "ANTI-CREAM Club", but his cream puffs are like godly. Zed had half a tub of it. And mind you, the tub is around the size of my head.
Played Wii tennis, golf and bowling and i swear playing Wii tennis is as good as playing the real one, well, for me at least.
I was like the only one swinging my hand like it was a real tornament, which look like a ultimate fool. Cos all the other people are only swinging their wrists :P
My arm totally wanted to dislocate from my body after two games. Aching and numb-ing away. LOL!
Home sweet home in the morning and off i go for FMGT videoing.
Dont let me write the script, if not warren tan, you gonna be so dead. Didnt manage to get you in CLSP video, but there's always a next time. LOL!