*Pardon my Ham Ji Peng face. Fats can seriously grow on anywhere. Not even my face is spared :(
Had potluck at the botanical garden(:
KAIYAO,WARREN & MY birth date are actually one after the other. 3rd,4th,5th(:
Settle down at a quite LOL spot. Cixian's tom yam Noodles is shiokness(:
Xiaohan took this picture cos she thought that the contrast was bug. One pavillion having fun, the other Tai-ji-ing.
Me: "Hey whose nose is this?" *Top right hand picture
Warren: "Yours la! Only you got that crooked nose bridge. Screwed up nose"
Warren: "Yours la! Only you got that crooked nose bridge. Screwed up nose"
Swan Spotted!
No offence but the swans look like they feed on human meat. Too much movies probably :P
No offence but the swans look like they feed on human meat. Too much movies probably :P
I really take my hat off for Kaiyao. The whole main thing is the swan and us, but we can barely see the swan. Pathetically small and unnoticeable.