the simplest thing in life makes you whole
Location: Chinatown, RainDrops Cafe
Date: 4 Oct 2010
Had a short lunch with @wankywonka (Warren). CONGRATS YO! :D You're finally one step closer to holding the steering.
Met up with Zhang after to get our perfumes! His perfume was shattered because his mum dropped it and my cap is gone because my mum did the same stunt. Pity us. Gotta spend $$ for something that's not even our fault. MYLY lor.
Too lazy to try out other brands and scents, bought Marine Groove in the end.
Location: Chinatown, RainDrops Cafe
Date: 4 Oct 2010
Had a short lunch with @wankywonka (Warren). CONGRATS YO! :D You're finally one step closer to holding the steering.
Met up with Zhang after to get our perfumes! His perfume was shattered because his mum dropped it and my cap is gone because my mum did the same stunt. Pity us. Gotta spend $$ for something that's not even our fault. MYLY lor.
Too lazy to try out other brands and scents, bought Marine Groove in the end.
OMO! Polka dots eh! Or was it meant to look like raindrops? LOL. Heck it~ Looks like polka dots to me can alrdy. Who would bear to use this tissue you tell me? I really meant it cuz i brought it home. HAHAHAHA!

& please do not attempt to try Sushi Tei's Squid Ink pasta unless you wanna kill your appetite for the coming month.

Raindrops Burger. And as the name suggest, the servings is really raindrop size. Its so small that we feel like crying for Darryl (he ordered it). I don't think i'll be full, let alone his appetite.
To be frank, the only dish that's nice is this. Mushroom Carbonara. Prolly cuz its salty compared to my bland Squid Ink Spag.

MYLY=Mei You Li You/没有理由/No reason
New term that is widely used among our friends.
New term that is widely used among our friends.