Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tints of lovely yellow

My fluffy curls from the new sponge curlers ^^

Worked with bff & 2 other lovely girls for Lipton ^^ Aish, how i wished i could work more of this event :< The girls are real nice and the job isn't as tough as the MCYS one. Plus the dress is real sweet.

Towned after work and i can't emphasize how drained i was after work and walking around town. Am losing all the vibe a 20 year-old should have :< I really don't want to reach 30. I'll prolly lazy around ALOT or move around in a wheelchair (not crippled or what) because i'm too lazy/tired to move around. Oh gawd, how fat will i become?

Sour Sally's froyo to the rescue on a blazing day ♥

Hanz & her cazy obsession with Milk Tea, Xie Jiao Ting.
I love milk tea too, but *looks at waist & thighs*. I'm better off not being a fan of milk tea :<