Friday, April 16, 2010

"Girls day out"
Cant really remember the details of it. Just F.U.N.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"If not for music"
Percussion never fail to ignite the passion i have for music! I miss those times we had in the CO room, practicing, playing other people's instrument and making a fool out of ourselves. I'd kill to go back to 15.
Cixian never fail to experience my face sticking habit.
*Grins. Handsome Junior, Genesis. Better off without extra xuanhan at the back. LOL! He dying to be in the picture i'm in. I know it. Hahaha.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"From swimmers to singers on a Good Friday"

How nice to have a long weekend. People who decides on holidays, let there be good friday every week.

Decided to swim on this very friday because bro has been buggin mum to swim for very long. And if you're wondering why this family so boliao taking pictures at the void deck, we were waiting for our tortoise cousin to come. So ya, camwhoring kills big time.

Sorry for the forever-pouting-the-same-angle lips. I have no idea why i do that everytime knowing it looks kinda weird.

This woman needs to go for eyebrow session before hair overwhelms her forehead :(

First time listening to mum's voice. She's super concentrate when singing, like to the extend that if a dragon was to eat her children, she wont realise it until the end of the song. Yes, that concentrate.
Primary 6 cousin that is going to grow as tall as me in 2 yrs. She's alrdy as tall as my sister.