U M T S K U M T S K , L E T T H E B E A T D R O P
Location: Power House
Date: 30 July 2010
Humans involved: TA29 folks
Location: Power House
Date: 30 July 2010
Humans involved: TA29 folks
The Yins.
Warren keeps going out on job (scanning job) and Jackson keeps on Ta-ing with his friends. Left the 4 of us to camwhore. If only i charged my camera before going out! Hate the extreme short battery life of Samsung. Like Shit :(
Zhang saw XXX. And i can understand why Zhang did what he did the other time. She's just so "easy going" and AA. She cut through our clique like twice? Like HUH?! How i wish there was a reason for her to cut through our circle. But no, just purely deliberate. Like seriously something wrong with her.
Big X in her face. PEH! OUT!