Didn't manage to take a photo of us. The birks, the tote bag, the angle of our arms, the jeans shorts and spag, we looked like twins only!
Didn't manage to take a photo of us. The birks, the tote bag, the angle of our arms, the jeans shorts and spag, we looked like twins only!
Introducing my self-sown pencil case. Quite obvious is the polka dot one. Cuz no one will sell such a lame looking pencil case. At least i bother to put a Betty Boop pin at the front ~
All ready to get started. Got bahkwa somemore ♥,♥ How fattening ...
Don't misunderstand, this pix is not taken at Botanic Gardens. We picnic-ed in the lecture hall. LOL. It's only a matter of time when we bring in BanMian or chicken chop.
I hate to say this but MY ECONS TEACHER SUCKS! He better not self-ans his own qns anymore before he taste my metal fist >:(