Monday, August 15, 2011


Clubbing with OG21 at Butter Factory on Ladies Night :D
I'm such a mountain turtle. It's my first time visiting Butterfac and i kinda like it there! The crowd, the songs ... Let me steal a word from my friends ... BAIK!

Rainie and my galaxy background! Can i bring the wall home?

emogirl_91 drinking at a corner. Lol.
Jervis and friend, Edmund.

Trying to strip Jervis because he said that it was hot. LOL. Jervis fighting so hard against all the salty pig hands.

Jerry & James enjoying much eh?

Drunkard Uncle James.

The night was surprisingly awesome despite meeting each other only once! So happy that we broke all the remaining ice left from FOD ^^ The guys sent me home even though they stayed like miless away from me. Such nice people. Looking forward to the next outing :D

P.S. Vonsen and hanz, BASH BASH BASH! Time to form new clique. LOL.